I love nuts. They are my weakness and I will dine on them any way I can- raw, salted, in stirfries, biscuits, chocolate coated. Absolutely any way.
Macadamias are my favourite. They are round and smooth and I have fond memories of sitting on the front steps cracking the hard shells open using a brick on the pavers as a child. Packed with minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and phytosterols, they are also good for you. Plus, they are gluten-free. However, 100g of raw nuts contains almost 3000 kilojoules (718 calories)!
One of my trusted Christmas gifts is home roasted sweet macadamias. I cook up kilos of them and pack them in little jars or plastic containers festooned with ribbons. They take little effort and can be produced in less than two hours including a scurry to the supermarket for the ingredients.
I hope you enjoy cooking these little delights.
2 cups of raw shelled macadamia nuts
1 egg white2/3 cup castor sugar (note: white or raw sugar can be used instead)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (note: I prefer Dutch cinnamon as it has a more intense flavour)
Note. This is not an exact recipe. I start with 2 cups of nuts and continue to add them to the mixture while there is still plenty of coating on each nut.
1. Preheat oven to 160 celsius.
2. Beat egg white in large bowl until bubbles form.
3. Add sugar and cinnamon.
4. Beat until well mixed.
lined with baking paper.
7. Bake for 30 minutes. Stirring every 10 minutes to separate.
8. Allow to cool on tray before separating and packing.
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