Saturday 17 September 2016

RIPE ENERGY. Health & happiness for 50-something women and beyond

Written by Ashley Dawson-Damer

It wasn't the "50-something women and beyond" portion of the title that attracted me to this book. Rather it was the relaxed and welcoming smile. I have reached the age of 50 and sometimes I sure do feel it, so I was sure there was something in the book for me. Books by Australian authors always have an added attraction because we have a different way of expressing ourselves. We write as if we are talking to a mate or our next door neighbour.

This book is a woman's story - Ashley's story. A story of reaching the age of 50+, passing through menopause, ferrying her children through adolescence, maintaining her marriage, being widowed and being happy to admit her age.   

I have to admit, I didn't learn an amazing new way of living, a fabulous wrinkle-removing cosmetic surgery procedure or how to retire before turning 50. What this book did do for me was renew my resolve to live and eat a healthy and simple diet, exercise regularly and put time in to consciously relax.

Ashley's principles are to drink a lot of water and eat a healthy organic diet. At no stage, does she advocate becoming a vegetarian or beyond, or abstinence from the good stuff for the rest of your life. Her argument is also that any exercise is better than none. I can relate to that.    

The book is written in a conversational style with some biographical content. The examples that Ashley gives are from her own life and so you gain an understanding of who she really is. 

I recommend this book for anyone who is looking to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle. It is a relaxing book to read with a few simple messages. That is what I need to remain focused on having a healthy life.    

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Photo courtesy of the Book Depository. The best online bookstore in Australia.

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