Sunday 18 February 2018

Patience is a necessity when building a house

This fortnight has been frustrating in the house building department.

  • We have been patiently waiting for information from various sources but information is dribbling in slowly.
  • We are patiently waiting for a date for the building to start.
  • We are patiently waiting for the water connection so there can no longer be anything holding things up.
  • We have been slowly sorting through 'stuff' at home trying to make decisions while we patiently wait for the next steps.
I have revised my "let's move in during the winter," to "let's aim to have Christmas here this year." I have been advised not to be a pessimist so I will be very excited to move in during cool weather with plenty of time to be settled before Christmas. Note, specific date or even month not documented. 

All in all, not a lot of progress so let's skip to the fun part and start planning the landscaping.
Frangipani Tricolor
When we first bought the land I envisioned a short driveway to the garage and path to the front door. Ahhhh, no that's won't be it. The driveway is more than 30m long and the house is halfway down the block. 

My original plan was to landscape the block in front of the garden fully with garden beds overflowing with large shrubs, ground covers and the odd small tree. The back of the block is for fruit trees, shed, chook house and a vegetable garden. 

So why change course now? 
  • Because the front yard is HUGE and will require many, many more plants and a lot fitter version of Anne to keep up with the maintenance? Yes and yes.
  • Because I can't picture how it will all look in the end? Yes.
  • Because I am concerned about drainage and the possibility of all the plants sliding down the hill in one of the many vicious thunderstorms that form over Hoya? Yes.
  • Hibiscus Aussie Pearl

After lots of thoughts and lack of confidence in my ability and persistence to create something I am truly proud of and enjoy that won't look like a dug up, neglected sheep paddock, I have decided I will be sticking to the plan so let's crack on with it. 

This has given me an excuse to start collecting plants right now. So I have. 
Donkey's Ears

The garden will have the theme of "Australian Cottage," and no, you won't find it in a book. My vision is for the gardens and landscape to look well filled and a bit messy with colour sprinkled throughout. A mix of natives and exotics. This will be fun because they don't always play well together. 

I have put photos into this post of some of the plants that I have already collected for the front gardens of our Home in Hoya. Our current home is  starting to look like a nursery but I can't resist plants. 

Watercolour Rose

I bought 3 Watercolour roses from the clearance trolley at Bunnings. They were scraggly and  bit yellow but I couldn't resist. A month later after some food and plenty of water, all 3 look brilliant. My vision for this is to planted together in a row along the side of the driveway.

Plumeria Pudica

Plumeria Pudica has beautiful and long lasting brilliant white flowers. The leaves are also a weird club shape. The plants themselves are bare at the bottom so I plan to plant these in the centre of a garden bed with low shrubs to cover the lower parts of the plant. I have only 1 of these but should be able to grow more from cuttings. 

Japanese Black Pine

Japanese Black Pine. I first saw one of these at the Mt. Coot-tha Botanical Gardens in the Japanese Garden and fell in love. They are elegant, angular and prickly all in one hit. They are also very slow growing and not easy to find. I have had this plant for a few years now and its growth has been slow. It will take pride of place near the front door. 

Frangipani Darwin Yellow

Frangipanis are back in fashion and come in an ever increasing range of colours.  I have bought a few but most are from cuttings that have fallen off trees that I have been able to access by fair means or foul. Darwin yellow has brilliant yellow flowers and a spicy fragrance that is different to other Frangis.

Hibiscus Citrus Mist

Hibiscus Citrus Mist is one of the range developed by aussie colours. Check out their range here:

John bought me 3 babies. They are not easy to get. 

I will post more photos of my growing plant collection as I acquire more plants and they are happy to be photographed. 

Now let's get started on building a house. 

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